Not Knot ™

Not Knot ™
store it - fold it - wrap it
Not Knot is a cable organiser that protects headphone buds, volume controls, USB ends and easily folds flat for handy storage when not in use.
Despite being less than 1 millimetre thick, when folded it creates a tough protective shell for your ear buds and in-line controls that you can wrap your cable around to shorten them to a manageable length for every day use, or while travelling.
Not Knot comes in a pack of 3 to help solve all your cable tidying woes. Each pack includes a signature pure white Not Knot reflecting it’s by-product origins.
Pure White: The original Not Knot with no embellishment, clean and simple, just like the product
Underground Edition: Ideal for commuters, graphic design geeks or as the perfect London souvenir gift
Explorer Knots: Traditional knot diagrams from the last century
Music History - Mono: Iconic music devices from the past 100 years
Music History - Colour: Iconic music devices in pop art colours